BMES醫環301 W5W6
A one-semester course teaching junior students how to deliver an oral presentation and how to write a technical report. Students will be required to give presentation and host a discussion session. The topics are limited to the areas of students' specialties.
Course keywords: 口頭報告, 文獻閱讀能力, 能源與環境議題, oral presentation, reading ability, issues regarding energy and environment 一、課程說明(Course Description) A one-semester course teaching junior students how to deliver an oral presentation and how to write a technical report. Students will be required to give presentation and host a discussion session. The topics are limited to the areas of students' specialties. 二、指定用書(Text Books) No textbook assigned. 三、參考書籍(References) 四、教學方式(Teaching Method) Mostly group discussion in class. 五、教學進度(Syllabus) Lectures will be given only in two classes for guiding the fundamentals of presentation and report writing. Students will be assigned topics to give at least two presentations in one semester. A final report based on the content of the presentation is required. 六、成績考核(Evaluation) Discussion participation (20%) Oral Presentation (80%) 七、可連結之網頁位址
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